How To Paint A Frosted Glass Lamp Shade

If you have a frosted glass lamp shade that has faded, or you prefer another color, consider painting it. Frosted glass lamp shades are constructed from sandblasted semi-transparent glass sheets, which helps them produce a softer glow. Painted frosted glass has a different look than clear glass, but that makes it unique, and it doesn't require advanced skills. Paint your frosted glass lamp shade by following these tips.   Prepare to Paint the Shade [Read More]

How to Paint a Faux Brick Wall

If you have a plain interior wall you want to give a makeover, consider faux brick painting. A faux brick look provides a rustic design without having to replace the wall. This technique may look difficult, but faux brick painting is a simple technique accomplished by sponging the paint on walls with household sponges. Follow these steps to paint a faux brick wall. Prepare to Paint the Faux Bricks To paint a faux brick wall, gather: [Read More]

Office Renovation Tips: Should You Repaint Your Office Without Professional Help?

If you plan to repaint your office without a professional painting company's help, you may want to reconsider. Although you can repaint the office yourself, it's probably better to have a commercial painting service do it for you. There are some very important things you must do before you apply a new coat of paint to your office's walls, including priming. If you don't prime the walls properly, your paint job can end up in disaster. [Read More]