Interior House Painting: 3 Essential Factors To Consider Before You Start

Interior house painting is one way of improving the indoor aesthetics of a home. It can also improve the lighting conditions in your house.

But before you start interior house painting, you must consider several factors. The factors significantly determine the results of the painting project; thus, failing to consider these factors may lead to inefficient painting jobs or loss of resources.

Hence, if you plan on taking on an interior house painting project, here are three factors you need to consider. 

1. Painting Contractor or DIY Painting 

Many homeowners prefer DIY interior house painting because it saves money on labor. But, DIY painting also raises extra expenses. For instance, you must buy or rent paint brushes, protective covers, face masks, and ladders for the painting work. 

And sometimes, the extra items you need to buy or rent cost more than hiring a painting contractor. Thus, despite saving money on labor, you still incur costly expenses.

But if you hire a painting contractor, you don't need to rent or buy such items since the contractors bring their own. Hence, you will save money on interior house painting items. 

Further, interior house painting contractors provide a warranty for their work. Thus, if they make a mistake or the work doesn't meet the agreed-upon standards, the contractor will not charge you extra to repeat the work. 

2. Lighting Conditions 

Natural light is critical in how you perceive painted walls in your home. For instance, north and south-facing rooms have less natural light compared to rooms facing east or west. 

Hence, it is advisable to plan your interior house painting based on the natural lighting conditions in the house. For example, you should not paint dark colors in poorly lit rooms because they will appear darker. Instead, you should paint bright colors in dark rooms to reflect light and make the rooms appear bright. 

Well-lit rooms go well with dark or light colors because the natural lighting makes the colors pop. But, if there is excessive natural light or sunshine, bright colors may produce too much glare—and too much glare is bound to deteriorate your eyesight in the long run. 

Thus, before starting an interior house painting project, first determines which rooms need bright or dark paint colors. 

3. Using Water-Resistant Paint 

Before painting basements or walls that retain moisture, consider using water-resistant paint. Using regular paint on dump areas can be counter-productive because the paint will eventually start to peel. 

Furthermore, molds can develop on regular paint when the moisture permeates the paint. Molds produce acids that deteriorate standard paint. Therefore, your brand new interior house paint will deteriorate after some time. 

However, using water-resistant paint ensures that the moisture retained in your walls doesn't permeate through the paint. Thus, water-resistant paint also helps prevent the development of mold. 

For more information, contact an interior house painting service such as Re-paint.
